Monthly Archives: April 2012

Conspiracy theory or fact?

According to Wikipedia, a conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public. And with the vast amount of information available to us, thanks to the internet, there’s been quite a lot of theories floating around in cyber space. The theory that has been popping up more than often is the theory that mainstream celebrities all worship the devil, and that they promote a satanic agenda by using subliminal messages through music, hand or body gestures, symbols, fashion etc. So are celebrities really devil worshippers? because like “they” say, where there’s smoke there’s fire right?

Whether they worship the devil or not is yet to be confirmed but what is true is that they are pushing an agenda for sure, corporate sponsored celebrities all push the agenda of whoever is sponsoring them, that’s the terms and conditions of their sponsorship. While a lot of videos and blogs about this shit went viral and was a hot topic at one point in time, all these videos and blogs all had one focus point, celebrities. While a lot of these videos and blogs claim to be exposing celebrities and providing you with information that will help to stop these people or enlighten you in some way, all they really doing is usually pushing their own agenda, usually religious and not providing any solutions to the problems they bring forth.

This is what I call “being mesmerized by the frame and missing the bigger picture”.

If these videos and blogs really aim to “enlighten” or “expose” the truth, then the focus point should not be celebrities or devil worship or whatever other shit they focus on, the focus should then be the truth right, but what is the truth?

Truth is that is doesn’t matter whether celebrities worship the devil or not or whether they’re pushing a corporate agenda, what does matter is what YOU are doing. Celebrities, Corporations, Marketing Companies, Governments and all other public figures (if that’s what you can call it) only have as much power as you allow them to have, meaning that if Jay-Z is pushing corporate agenda through his music, it will only have a serious impact on you if you allow it to,and not the other way around. A lot of corporates sponsor or create celebrities because of the influence they have (or better yet been given) on the general public.

But what does all of this mean?

It means that humanity as a whole can solve the problems we face today, whether you are a conspiracy theorist or not, fact is the way we are living is fucked up and WE are the only ones that can do something about this. Consumerism has become one of the biggest problems today and the media has played a big role in this, but the media is not solely to blame for this WE the people who have allowed this can also take some of the blame.
Back to the initial point, conspiracy theories, whether they true or not doesn’t matter as much as what WE as humanity are doing about our current situation. You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to know that things are fucked up, what we should start doing is separating wants from needs, and realising that we are interdependent and that instead of trying to be better than the next person, we should try to better the next person because by bettering the next person you are in turn bettering yourself. So start seeing through the bullshit and realise that things aren’t what they always seem and that things don’t have to be the way they are. It’s a theory that you have to take yourself for a poes by working a kak job for somebody who doesn’t give a fuck about you and your family, just so that you can buy over priced shit you don’t really need, and it’s a fact that as a unit humanity can put an end to this false reality and create a better one where you don’t have to take yourself for a poes in order to have the things you really need and still be able to have nice shiny shit if that’s what you after.

Son of the 021

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What Is Déjà Vu

Ever had Déjà Vu?

Brain Food

My sincerest inkling, when poesklapped (1) in the face by déjà vu has always been that I am experiencing the timelessness of my soul. Now assuming that we don’t believe in souls then Dr. Michio Kaku’s hypothesis is a tasty notion. Exploring the possibility, that we are in fact, souls experiencing this human existence, makes for a gourmet plate of thought.
Allow me to gorge on it.
Face covered in dribbles of alphabet soup

I now defaecate in these symbols:

We are
Existing in infinite consciousness
From the beginning to the end
One singular thread
till beyond the death bed
the alpha and omega domino
you know
who you
the silence
the ignorance
those moments that
to hide no more
self knows
when the noise breaks through
we play possum
but the soul will never die
look in the mirror
see my soul through your eye
the body knows space and mind
but the soul is a stranger to this thing called time


We all came from the same smörgåsbord of galactic treats.
Billions of years of collisions and explosions a BIG FUCKING BOOM.
And now, here we are, to see ourselves as separate from that entire journey is laughable at best and at worst as depressing as an unfulfilled billionaire.
So we are here.
Now what?
I think I have been here before?
Must just be Déjà Vu?

The Sage

1. Poesklap
A nasty and very effective smack upside the head. Afrikaans Origin and derived from Poes (vagina) Klap (smack)

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A War of Words

The Curious World of Words and Strange People Who Create Them as Stranger Than Themselves to Become Strangers to Themselves

Accuracy and Words

These two things are so tightly bound in effective communication that the nature of their relationship is that of S&M fuck buddies.
They should be so interwoven in our mental space that we see them as inseparable, for what sets us apart from animals is the ability to communicate in an advanced manner, constructed with the collective knowledge of generations of humanity since the beginning of time, I like to think it started with a smile.
This advanced manner has seemingly lost its effectiveness and we have led ourselves astray in semantics, connotations, plain stupidity and inability to say what we mean.
Inability, stemming from a lack of human intellect or balls, usually.

Lack Of Human Intellect

Human intellect takes into account all sides of perception, it is in essence neutrality and singularity, the belief that all is ONE.
No separation of self from self, you as my reflection and I as your mirror.
Allowing others to be and recognizing them for what they are in our perceptual minds
And so when we see everyone as opponents and enemies we should consider, why this constant view?

Faced with the truth, that we are at war with ourselves.

Human Intellect is the ability to break through our perceptions and see the truth. Take opinion and facts and throw them away for the truth of our existence.
I need not share what the truth is because we all know it.
We are born with it, human intellect is the ability to experience this truth.
It is understanding what it means to be a human.
It is the understanding of self.
It is world peace.

Lack of Balls

Male and Female
No discrimination for any box of us humans.
Live your own hell and live a life of consequence and not choice.


Communication is the fundamental for understanding each other, we communicate so very little through our words yet we talk so much KAK.
It is because our words are so limited that we should take care and love that we are always accurate with the words we use.
Leave no room for alternate interpretations most importantly no room for VALID assumptions.
Your word will become meaningless thus your thoughts and thus your existence.
To none but your SELF.


If silence be golden then a word from the silent must be invaluable.
Words and its power are seen in the realm of human thought.
One word may incite a man to violence.
One word may defeat a man through tears.
Consider that One Word is all it takes in any situation.

Who gives a Fuck

So who really gives a fuck and why should I?
If one has any interest in understanding this world
we must understand our selves and what we are.
For what other reference point do we have besides our thoughts?
So read and explore mother fucker because our words are slowly losing value
Texting and emails
Rapid communications
Saying fuck all when all we really want to say is one thing always.
All this noise in the information revolution has pissed me off.
Time for some silence.
Who gives a fuck?
Nobody really does. We all pretending on various levels.
I am turning everything off.

The Sage

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The Return by Epochlypse the Sage

 We Return.

A return, requires a leaving.
My return dawned with the sunrise that I have not left
could not leave and shall not leave as long as I exist.
A walk to the gallows is but a stroll through a gate.
Self induced fate, the marionette walks unknowing of the truth, it is its own master,
it is the puppet and the string
and the hand that leads.
These strings that can connect or bind but with the slight of the hand and a trick to your eyes and from your own mind.
We perceive only what we would like to belie.
And that is the TRUTH.
My perceptions were guided mostly, not by what I want, but by what I knew I did not want.
I was not connected but bound in fate
aware of its illusion but not aware of the truth behind it.
I was the mirror my thoughts the smoke.
A marionette walking to the gallows
Hung on my own strings, by my own hands.

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